Tuesday, 3 May 2011

1. What, in your opinion, are yuor strengths and weaknesses in terms of your use of English ?
I have problem with writing skills but i think in this course i will improve my writing skills.
so i think iam good in the grammar and vocabulary also my speaking not very bad i will do my best.

2. what do you most like to improve upon during the pre-sessional program?
 I Think, iwill improve my writing and speaking skills.

3. What do you normally  do to  practice your  English?
normally read some storis in English and watching move also but some time fell bored and leave it away.
I try to countinu and finish it.


1 comment:

  1. You did a good job of correcting your spelling in the first paragraph, Ghalib, but it's a good idea to have another look at the THIRD paragraph!

    Are there any movies in particular that make you feel bored?
